batte melt pump

Causes and solutions to hydraulic screen changer failures

1, the use of hydraulic screen changer for plastic extruder, material leakage. Causes and solutions:

A, hydraulic screen changer bolts or before and after the flange connection bolts loose due to material leakage, can be locked.

B, hydraulic screen changer set screen pressure is too high, resulting in material leakage, can be reduced.

hydraulic extrusion screen changer

2, plate hydraulic screen changer slide plate can not be pushed. Generate causes and solutions:

A, there are debris in the filter tank or screen exposed slot jammed, pull backward to remove, otherwise remove the machine.

B, hydraulic screen changer without lubricating oil leads to the sliding surface bite, disassemble and repair.

C. Hydraulic clearance is unreasonable, find a professional to adjust.

hydraulic continuous screen changer

3. Hydraulic screen changer oil pump is not oiled. Reasons and solutions:

A, motor reversal, phase sequence modulation.

B, the oil level is too low or thick oil, replace the hydraulic oil.

C. Inlet pipe seal is not tight, leakage, replace the rubber ring.

screen changer for plastic extruder

4, hydraulic extrusion screen changer noise. Causes and solutions:

A, oil leakage, find the cause.

B, oil filter plug, clean up the dirt.


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Batte is a professional screen changer manufacturer, supplying screen changer, especially screen changer for extrusion mould