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What are the common faults and solutions for screen changers?


The hydraulic extrusion screen changer plays a crucial role in industries such as plastic processing, yet it frequently encounters various faults during operation. Below are some common screen changer faults and their corresponding solutions:

I. Leakage Issues


Loose bolts on the hydraulic screen changer or connecting bolts of the front and rear flanges.

Excessively high screen change pressure set on the hydraulic screen changer.


Check and tighten the bolts or connecting bolts of the front and rear flanges.

Appropriately reduce the set value of the screen change pressure on the screen changer.

hydraulic extrusion screen changer

II. Inability to Push or Pull the Slide Plate


Debris in the screen slot or the screen protruding from the slot and getting stuck.

Lack of lubrication on the hydraulic screen changer, causing the sliding surface to seize.

Unreasonable hydraulic fit clearance.

Filter screen edges protruding from the perforated plate, causing the mesh plate to get stuck.

Worn or damaged oil pump in the hydraulic station, unable to provide sufficient power.

Damaged oil seal of the push cylinder, causing leakage.

Insufficient hydraulic oil in the hydraulic station.


Clean the debris from the screen slot and ensure the screen is properly installed without protruding from the slot.

Regularly lubricate the screen changer to prevent the sliding surface from seizing.

If encountering hydraulic fit clearance issues, contact the technical personnel of the screen changer manufacturer for adjustment.

Check and adjust the filter screen edges to ensure they do not cause the mesh plate to get stuck.

Replace worn or damaged oil pumps.

Replace damaged oil seals to ensure good sealing of the cylinder.

Check and replenish hydraulic oil to the appropriate level.

extrusion screen changer hydraulic

III. Hydraulic Station Oil Pump Problems


Motor reversal.

Low oil level or thick oil.

Poor sealing of the inlet oil pipe, causing air leaks.

Excessive noise from the oil pump (may be caused by air leaks in the inlet oil line or clogged oil filter).


Adjust the motor phase sequence to ensure it rotates in the correct direction.

Replace hydraulic oil to ensure the oil level is at the appropriate level and the oil quality is good.

Check and replace the inlet oil pipe seals to ensure tight sealing.

Check for air leaks in the inlet oil line and clean the dirt from the oil filter.

IV. Malfunction of Pressure Regulating Valve and Directional Valve


Clogging or no oil pressure due to contamination at the pressure relief port of the pressure regulating valve.

Clogging or damage to the valve core and valve port of the directional valve.


Clean the pressure relief port of the pressure regulating valve with diesel to ensure it is unobstructed.

Clean or replace the valve core and valve port of the directional valve to ensure their normal operation.

V. Frequent Burning of Heating Elements


Excessively long trigger time of the overcurrent protection.

Excessive load current of the overcurrent protector.

Large fluctuations in power supply voltage.

Imbalanced heating modules, resulting in uneven current distribution.

Inefficient cooling circulation.


Adjust the trigger time of the overcurrent protection mechanism.

Adjust the load current of the overcurrent protector to ensure stable current.

Equip the equipment with a voltage stabilizer to reduce power supply voltage fluctuations.

Balance the heating modules to reduce problems caused by uneven current distribution.

Check and clean the cooling system to ensure smooth cooling circulation.

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In summary, common faults of screen changers involve multiple aspects, including leakage, inability to push or pull the slide plate, hydraulic station oil pump issues, malfunction of pressure regulating and directional valves, and frequent burning of heating elements. To address these faults, appropriate solutions and preventive measures need to be taken to ensure the normal operation and extended service life of the screen changer.


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Batte is a professional screen changer manufacturer, supplying screen changer, especially screen changer for extrusion mould